Collection: Home Page

Introduction and home page of Silence Melbourne. Features artist profile, products and reviews.

‘Silence’ is a self-taught aerosol artist with experience spanning 30 years. Raised in the suburbs of Frankston, Silence has experienced and been part of the evolution of Melbourne graffiti and street art culture for most of his life.

Silence is known for his clean, sharp, strong lines, his attention to detail and determination for perfection. His work is abstract, contemporary, reflective and draws on nostalgia from the 80’s and 90’s. Silence enjoys experimenting with a dynamic combination of recycled materials such as pipes, rust and 3D objects to add texture, depth, and emphasis. Drips, splats and layering are another hallmark of his work and his eclectic use of recycled materials.

Silence has collaborated with local, interstate and international artists producing countless art works for non-profit organisations, community groups, businesses, schools, private collectors and his own personal projects.

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  • "I have just received the book & would like to say thanks for the prompt post & great communication from you. I am very happy with it, well done on putting together such a well photographed & detailed’s been a pleasure to deal with you." Carolyn H 

  • "Hi guys, just wanted to say thank you for the order - a lot of work must have gone into the book and it's a big credit to everyone to get it published." Cheers, Mike


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